
Release 9 is live!

For Deposit, this release contains various usability improvements and functional additions. For example, functionality related to the Change Action queue was added to support selected use cases when an Institute and External Party are working in the same instance. The recently launched feature of Dynamic fields has now been extended. This time, the Application entity for Loans was extended to support dynamic handling of non-standardized data in addition to the Customer and Account entities. In general, various usability improvements were made in addition to integration additions and API updates. As always, several security and stability improvements were implemented in the platform along with necessary compliance updates.


Deposit Accounts

Vilja Deposit – Power and control your cash inflow

• Superior customer experience: Modern “My Pages” built for self-service and automation
• User friendly and extensive back-office: Designed for easy product management, smooth servicing and rich compliance functionality
• Complete end-to-end solution with modular approach: Cover the full customer life cycle, KYC & servicing, both at onboarding and recurring