Security & Compliance

Security is our number one priority. It’s the cornerstone of our platform. With security designed into the core, coupled with compliance to laws and regulations for banks and financial institutes, you can focus on your products – not your risk profile.


Managing data is a crucial part of our work with risk and vulnerability. Our platform has built-in security, and all our solutions use an authorization engine with pre-defined roles and corresponding authorities. Countersignatures are used to minimize human errors and prevent fraud. And everything is logged and searchable.

We have an SKF (security knowledge framework) defined as part of the development process. With this, we can identify possible vulnerabilities both before and during development.

External security experts perform vulnerability scans, so-called “Ethical Hacks”, annually on our products to minimize the risk of exploits. We also use “Clair” to perform internal vulnerability scans on our products.

We are dedicated to maintaining the very highest standards for banking security, and to complying with the laws and regulations governing banks. We are ISO 27001 certified so that you can feel completely confident that your information is secure in our solutions.

For our cloud environment, we are cloud-agnostic, and you can run your operations in a global public cloud like Microsoft Azure or in a local public cloud like our Swedish provider Elastx. Both clouds are ISO 27001 and ISO14001 certified so your information is secure and it is sustainable. Read more about our Kubernetes set-up.

Key Features

Authorization Engine

Sealed audit trail log

Pre-defined roles to fit your business

Comprehensive and searchable logs


Built-in security and compliance


Our customers work in highly regulated environments. To do business means to adhere to complicated compliance and regulatory requirements. That’s why our product is designed to provide you with tools and functionality for full compliance, and we ensure our services keep our customers compliant with a minimum of fuss.

Players in the financial industry must pay close attention to the compliance regulations issued by international regulatory bodies. In Sweden, we primarily follow the rules issued by the European Banking Authority, The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen), and the Swedish Data Protection Authority (Datainspektionen).

We continuously review all existing and new compliance regulations. We also have close interactions with customers – existing and new – to understand how they interpret the compliance regulations and their impact on their business.

Based on our analysis of relevant compliance regulations and with insights learned from our customers, we continue working to ensure that our services stay compliant. It’s an ongoing process, and our new releases include compliance enhancements to our services. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our compliance with laws and regulations, please reach out directly to

Contact us

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Deposit Accounts

Vilja Deposit – Power and control your cash inflow

• Superior customer experience: Modern “My Pages” built for self-service and automation
• User friendly and extensive back-office: Designed for easy product management, smooth servicing and rich compliance functionality
• Complete end-to-end solution with modular approach: Cover the full customer life cycle, KYC & servicing, both at onboarding and recurring