
Let’s connect at Money 20/20, in Amsterdam, June 6-8

Money 20/20 is Europe’s biggest fintech and banking event. From global leaders to new challengers. At this event, people meet, collaborate and shape the future of banking. Over 6,000 people from 2300+ companies attended in 2022, and many more are expected to join this year.

Read more and register.

We can’t wait to meet you in-person!


Deposit Accounts

Vilja Deposit – Power and control your cash inflow

• Superior customer experience: Modern “My Pages” built for self-service and automation
• User friendly and extensive back-office: Designed for easy product management, smooth servicing and rich compliance functionality
• Complete end-to-end solution with modular approach: Cover the full customer life cycle, KYC & servicing, both at onboarding and recurring