
Release 6.13 is live

What’s new and exciting in Release 6.13? A few high-lights.

  • The brand new MyPages app for deposit customers, featuring improved functionality with a fresh and user-centered design. The new app only utilizes our public APIs, ensuring a single channel for Internet communication, which provides for an even higher level of security.
  • The new and enhanced document template service for added flexibility and simplicity.
  • Integration with Skatteverkets system “Mekanismen” was introduced for secure information exchange between our Deposit instances and the Swedish authorities.
  • Updated control information for income year 2020 according to new directives from the Swedish Tax Authorities (Deposit Accounts)
  • Bugs squished and some general code improvements

For more details – please contact you Service Manager.


Deposit Accounts

Vilja Deposit – Power and control your cash inflow

• Superior customer experience: Modern “My Pages” built for self-service and automation
• User friendly and extensive back-office: Designed for easy product management, smooth servicing and rich compliance functionality
• Complete end-to-end solution with modular approach: Cover the full customer life cycle, KYC & servicing, both at onboarding and recurring